- A recent communication from the NJSDOE says… “You may contact the NJ Public School Districts to advocate your recommendations for providing home instruction in a virtual classroom; and they may wish to contract with you. “ — Office of Public Communications
- Credit Recovery or Acclerated Study
- Long or short term — homebound instruction (district sets parameters), semester or full year academic courses
- New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards — course instruction alignment
- State Certified Teachers – Highly Qualified Content Specialists
- Face to Face instruction: synchronous-only instruction: teacher is in the virtual classroom instructing the students in real time
- State-of-the-art multi-media online platform
- Improved Academic Performance
- 21st Century Skills — Digital Literacy
- Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Tools
- 48 hour student placement service
- Within your budget
- We are green